Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

No more bill schocks - data roaming in European Union

Calling or receiving calls in different country in Europe is still expensive. This issue has been trying to be resolved by European Commission since three years.In 2007 EU adopted Roaming Regulation (717/2007) that fixing maximum charges.This regulation reduced the charges up to 70 %. It was quite unexpected step for all mobile companies but it wasn't enough for customers. They still couldn't say that using mobile phone in different European country was cheap. They can't say it even now but the situation is getting better. From 1st of July 2010 also prices for downloading and uploading data have been reduced.Providers have to warn customers before they reach maximum monthly fee for the data- roaming (it is 50 euro/month). It's a next step for EU.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Black painting, 'empty' sculptures and other weird things...

Two days ago I went to Guggenheim museum in Bilbao. The first thing that come to my mind was: ‘why the black painting is here as a piece of art?’ It’s just a black piece of paper with white stain. So why this one not another? What makes it unique? I took the ‘telephone’ that explain you everything and I heard that ‘it shows Spain during the period of Franco’. Hmmm… Interesting… Good explanation it’s more value than the results, more important than what you can see. I went to another room. What paid my attention was the sculpture that showed ‘empty’. It’s so weird. Anyway it works, maybe that’s the way of life – to look for something deeper in simple stuff?

My first post:)

I’ve been thinking about writing my blog from few years. It’s hard to start but finally I’m going to do it. There are so many things that I’ve seen in my life and that I want to write about. It’s not so easy for me to describe everything in english anyway I will try… :)